本帖最后由 荷花池荒岛 于 2014-5-31 04:33 编辑 ) f& ~* M, r" I8 Y. [
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7 C; O8 l% F- F$ \; _! l: chttp://lungcancer.about.com/od/c ... 1/a/famhxlungca.htm
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/ a+ ~% c. e$ d; U# N. }2 T$ @5 C/ p, K! q* N. v# d& F# Z
Is Lung Cancer Inherited?& x( R! D% N" W
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Type of Lung Cancer and Heredity
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Studies vary in the types of lung cancers that have the greatest hereditary component, but those with nonsmall cell lung cancers, especially lung adenocarcinoma are more likely to have a family history of lung cancer than those with small cell lung cancers./ d( i4 }5 t" d
$ V2 F' m; h' [, m5 v; F
A recent finding is that non-smokers with non-small cell lung cancer whose tumors have an EGFR mutation are much more likely to have a family history of lung cancer than those who have an ALK or KRAS mutation.! U3 `( v! }* @6 Y! X7 z9 j
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7 g3 |" t0 ?2 Y6 Y% V& _肺癌是遗传的吗?# g8 s7 v) \0 }( ? ]
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) z6 b& z( a5 U. R对具有最多遗传成分的肺癌类型的研究结果不一。但那些非小细胞肺癌尤其肺腺癌的患者比那些小细胞肺癌的患者更可能有肺癌家族史。$ T6 P+ C: b! }) @5 h M. J @
) h/ v0 Y5 X9 ]1 v9 K- G2 G最近的一个发现是,在不吸烟且患有非小细胞肺癌的患者中,肿瘤有EGFR突变的患者比起肿瘤有ALK或KRAS突变的患者更可能有肺癌家族史。
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http://www.dana-farber.org/Adult ... 790M-mutations.aspx+ o+ T, t, G8 F! c9 m% p
Thoracic Cancer Treatment Center7 g7 O; H( O4 D
5 }; M8 m$ p9 W! R. V' LA group of researchers at Dana-Farber is trying to understand whether inherited factors may partly explain the development of lung cancer in patients who did not smoke.
' K% m/ _7 b2 l: x- h; k
+ W/ P: A9 j+ U, AA small number of people are born with a DNA mutation in the EGFR gene called T790M, which has been identified in some families suffering from lung cancer. This T790M mutation is called germline, because it is present in all of the body's cells, most likely because it was inherited from a parent.
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胸椎肿瘤治疗中心 5 @* n _0 D- i" G L
/ p1 n; T; U* X( f
在Dana-Farber的一组研究人员正在试图了解遗传因素是否可以部分解释不吸烟患者肺癌的形成。 " w1 i c0 U' a7 y7 r4 y6 w
& c/ s6 b9 n( \9 Q9 n4 ?患有肺癌的一些家庭已经确认少数人生下来的时候被称为T790M的EGFR基因就已经发生了DNA突变。这个T790M突变称为生殖细胞(? germline),因为它存在于身体的所有细胞中,最有可能的解释是T790M突变是从父/母遗传来的。
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