8 e. z$ X: \6 }& h你老公的rash这么严重,你还让他去在太阳下呆着,太糊涂了。药的说明上不是都有么?像他这么严重的rash, 应该脸部完全避免阳光照射了。* `) f, R# ?. F. ~7 K
9 }/ e7 F0 X' RIn patients who develop skin rash, the appearance of the rash is typically erythematous and maculopapular and it may resemble acne with follicular pustules, but is histopathologically different. This skin reaction commonly occurs on the face, upper chest and back, but may be more generalized or severe (NCI-CTC Grade 3 or 4) with desquamation. Skin reactions may occur or worsen in sun exposed areas; therefore, the use of sunscreen or avoidance of sun exposure is recommended. Associated symptoms may include itching, tenderness and/or burning. Also, hyperpigmentation or dry skin with or without digital skin fissures may occur. 2 f5 d4 j: s% _% [4 ^# ^ / b8 P" ~- G+ `( a" @我的rash严重那时,我的医生开的口服药Minocycline 50 mg,厉害情况下服100mg ,就是一种消炎药啦。你查一下它的中文名,也许对你老公也管些用。这个药不能同含镁,铝,钙的药一起吃,另外,服药三十分钟内不要躺下。